Luna Lovegood |

Luna Lovegood is our latest addition and beautiful basset hound puppy.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius.... Arcu cursus euismod quis viverra. Malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas. Dui faucibus in ornare quam. Amet luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor. Orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. Interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla. Enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor.

So long, Cape Town |

Cape Town
View of Table Mountain from Blouberg beach with Arthur Higgens.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius.... Arcu cursus euismod quis viverra. Malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas. Dui faucibus in ornare quam. Amet luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor. Orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. Interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla. Enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor.

Knysna Elephant Park |

Thandi, one of the elephants at Knysna Elephant Park.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Vitae congue mauris rhoncus aenean vel. Amet porttitor eget dolor morbi non arcu risus quis varius.... Arcu cursus euismod quis viverra. Malesuada nunc vel risus commodo viverra maecenas. Dui faucibus in ornare quam. Amet luctus venenatis lectus magna fringilla urna porttitor. Orci nulla pellentesque dignissim enim sit amet. Diam ut venenatis tellus in. Interdum varius sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla. Enim sit amet venenatis urna cursus eget. Netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Tincidunt praesent semper feugiat nibh. Iaculis nunc sed augue lacus viverra vitae congue eu consequat. Tellus rutrum tellus pellentesque eu tincidunt tortor.

Hello World |

I am LeandriB

My name is Leandri, I was born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa, but I am currently residing in Michigan. I came to the United States as an au pair in January of 2015, after I graduated from Fashion school in 2014.... Having a background in Fashion, my dream was to end up in New York, but the family that I got matched with was based in Michigan. I was with them for 2 years, before my work visa expired, but within that time I met my now husband, Jon. We together for a while when we had to make the decision to pursue a long distance relationship or make the long term commitment so we could be together. We chose the latter. We had, what we call, “our paperwork” wedding in the summer of 2016, so that we could start all the paperwork in order for me to obtain my green card and become a legal permanent resident.

Fast forward to 2020, Jon and I are still married, he actually officially proposed to me with a basset puppy in October 2019 and we are having our dream wedding in Cape Town, South Africa next year. I also became a US citizen this year and I am finally getting ready to step into the tech industry as a Front End Developer. My passion for development comes from my love of art and design. I also really enjoy the challenge it brings and problem-solving involved in getting from “how do I start this project” to a fully functional application. I fell in love with programming through backend architecture. The backend came to me more naturally, whereas the frontend presented me with more challenges. My curiosity combined with my eagerness to learn, drove me to pursue frontend.

This blog started out as part of a project for the Udacity Front End Nanodegree, and I am not done working on it. I have all kinds of ideas that I am eager to implement on this page, but for now I want this to be a place where I can document my milestones, challenges or just my day. I want this page to serve as a journal to my life, especially relating to programming and web development.

Applying to Jobs |

My brain
My brain when thinking about interviewing

Today was the day, I sat down in front of my computer, pulled up my Linkedin and started looking for employmemt opportunities and man was it intimidating... The amount of requirements listed alone makes me question if I have the skills that they are looking for, but even if I don't have ALL the skills listed I applied anyway. A good friend of mine gave me this advice, she said even if you don't qualify for the jobs that you are applying to, do it anyway. That company might have a position that you would be perfect for that they haven't posted about yet. So here am I, applying to every job under the sun that has developer in the job title. Okay, not every job, but almost every job and hey what do I have to lose anyway.

I guess I should mention why I am so intimidated in the first place, requirements aside, I am nervous that I will blank through the technical part of the interview. I don't know what to expect and that makes me nervous, but instead of dwelling on the unknown, I am going to worry about each interview as they come my way. Every response or interview I am lucky enough to get, I will learn from and will make me grow professionally and personally. It will definitely help with being nervous and overcoming the fear of failling. I can do this. I have come this far without a mentor. I have the drive and passion to get a job in the industry.

My approach to preparing for interviews, besides encouraging myself like I just did, is to research potential questions and technical challenges that I could face during an interview. Once I have done that, I will practice solving coding problems as well as walking through my own projects and problems that I have faced. I believe that is a good starting point and it will definitely help me feel more confident throughout the interview process.